Friday, December 27, 2019
Public Administration and Ethics Essay - 677 Words
Public Administration amp; Ethics In public administration, decisions are a lot of times made based upon ethical principles, which are the perception of what the general public would agree is correct. This helps keep the administrators ethical because they first must ask themselves if they will be under public scrutiny if they don’t make an ethical decision. Ethics has also placed additional burden on public administrators regarding how they handle their personal lives. When a person enters into the public realm, a lot of the details that would normally be private from their individual lives become made available for public record. These ‘details’ are things such as the individual’s health, finances, any misconduct on record, etc.†¦show more content†¦Corruption is a huge issue in public administration. There is a lot of temptation for the individual in the public eye to use their high authority position for their personal well-being. The government must keep a close eye on t his as it often becomes an issue. The issue of corruption can be as small as low level city government and can go as high as the president. Public administrators also have to decipher the difference between â€Å"majority of the people†versus just public interest. Just because the majority of the people think that guns should be banned because they can cause death, doesn’t mean that it’s the right thing to do for society. The minority of the people might think that they deserve to keep their 2nd amendment rights and keep protecting their families. In this case, the minority may be right versus the majority. The government must decipher such differences. Just because the majority may believe something, it may not be in the best interest for the entire public. The government must defend the human rights of minority groups in order to defend human rights. In some cases, this can be an ethical issue because the government may sway more towards the majority to keep more people happy to win votes. A current example of privatization of government is President Obama and his healthcare reforms. President Obama wants to de-privatize health care because it is â€Å"public interest†. He wants the health care to beShow MoreRelatedEthics And The Public Administration2014 Words  | 9 PagesEthics is an important characteristic to have in today’s society; many people lack ethics or lack the understanding of what ethics is. It can play a valuable role in your everyday lives and activities. Ethics is a culture where people can distinguish right from wrong and make knowledgeable decisions based on the fact and not a personal belief. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Social Media Is Bad For The Teenager Aspect Of Life By...
Social media is bad for the teenager aspect of life by causing world corruption in many ways. Social media can change and become cyberbullying, social outcasting, lack of communication skills, and most of all, not being able to find whom you can become. This is not only through social media, but also video games, television, and self-reflection caused through these. Social media have progressed so far that communicating through face to face talks don’t seem as appealing anymore. There is Skype where we can video chat. Also, Facebook where we can chat or blog about irrelevant things such as what we are eating at the moment. I have seen some people even text each other when sitting side by side. Technology is an addiction, one many have trouble overcoming. I ve had trouble with social media for a few years due to drama, since you re not talking to the person s face to face you seem to have a newfound courage to be mean or even two-faced. I then went without my phone for a year a nd felt as though I could finally breathe and take in whatever was around me. Lack of communication tends to cause us problems This can be caused by many things. When you may be texting someone, â€Å"alrighty then†¦Ã¢â‚¬ they may take it as rude due to not being face to face, but you meant it as you were unsure or even confused. This, therefore, creates an issue between you and the other party. We as a generation of self-absorbed people whose world revolves around technology mainly social media believeShow MoreRelatedRemedy to Immoralities That Are Part of Society Today2031 Words  | 9 Pages These issues have become a serious problem around the world and it leaves a big impact on many people regardless of their age, culture and religion. Muslims and non-Muslims are concerned on what the future brings if actions are not taken to decrease these bad influences that are getting more influential especially to the youths. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Lord Of The Flies Interest Essay Research free essay sample
Lord Of The Flies -Interest Essay, Research Paper What has chiefly interested you in your survey of Lord of the Fliess so far? ( Having read up to page 47 ) First, I intend to explicate why, over anything else, Golding s contemplation of the universe within a microcosm has peculiarly intrigued me. I besides hope to convey my involvement in the manner many of the big factors in this novel are intertwined with others ( frequently ironic ) for illustration, that the Eden the male childs seek to make becomes merely a reproduction of the warring, helter-skelter universe they emerged from. Finally, I want to demo why I find the characters so compelling, and demo how many have elements that any reader can sympathize with, and demo why their complex interaction fascinates me. Golding seems to compose to dramatize the struggle between the educating inherent aptitude and the barbaric inherent aptitude that exist in all human existences. Every clip Golding moves to depict the scenery, the conditions, or even the ambiance environing the male childs, his pick of words seeks to stand for this struggle that occurs worldwide. His dramatic technique is to demo the rise and fleet autumn of an stray, ad-lib civilization. So far as I have read, Golding seems to be set uping the parametric quantities in which his civilization will work. Golding # 8217 ; s pick to do his characters boys is important: immature male childs are merely half-formed, perched between civilization and savageness in such a manner as to better dramatize the novel # 8217 ; s thematic struggle. Golding # 8217 ; s premise throughout the novel is that the restraints of morality and society are learned instead than innate # 8211 ; that is, the human inclination to obey regulations, behave peacefully, and follow orders is imposed by systems of power and control, and is non in itself a cardinal portion of human nature. Young boys exemplify this premiss, as they exist in a changeless province of tenseness with respect to the regulations and ordinances they are expected to follow ; left on their ain, they frequently behave with natural inhuman treatment and force: Ralph shrieked with laughter. He jumped up. Piglet! Piglet! Ralph please! Piggy clasped his custodies in apprehensiveness. I didn t want Piglet! Piglet! Ralph danced out into the hot air of the beach and so returned s a fighter-plane, with wings swept back, and machine-gunned piglet. ( Page 6 ) This is an first-class presentation of Ralph s insensitiveness, and is seeable in all the characters, particularly when they subsequently slaying Simon. I enjoy the manner that I can, every bit good as sympathizing with the characters, see a parallel with their society # 8211 ; by doing his civilization a merchandise of preteen male childs # 8217 ; societal inherent aptitudes, Golding endangers it from the beginning. As this is something kindred to a turning kid, which without parental counsel would merely destruct itself. With mention to the characters, the two chief functions which can be seen as Good and Bad are played by Ralph and Jack Merridew. Ralph, the novel’s supporter, is a twelve-year-old. Marooned on a tropical island with a group of male childs, Ralph is elected leader of the group and efforts to co-ordinate attempts to construct a illumination civilization on the island, every bit good as to pull the attending of saviors by keeping a signal fire on a mountain. I believe that everyone has some portion of goodness in them, and can therefore sympathize with Ralph s efforts to make order. Ralph s character besides inspires commiseration in the reader, subsequently on because of the futility of his efforts. I greatly admire Golding s ability to pull strings his reader s emotions so subtly. Jack Merridew is the fresh s counter component, and can be seen as about the exact antonym of Ralph. Jack longs for overarching power ; he becomes progressively wild, brutal, and cruel as the novel progresses. Even the most peaceable reader can, at some phase, retrieve merely a few seconds of pure aggression, and Jack seems to be Golding s incarnation of this. Piggy is Ralph s lieutenant # 8211 ; a whiny, rational male child whose ingeniousness often leads to innovation, such as the stopgap sundial. Merely as Ralph represents the civilising inherent aptitude, and Jack the barbarian inherent aptitude, Piggy represents the scientific, rational side of civilization, and this side of civilization is, I believe, something that merely as with good and bad exists within all of us. The contrast between the characters is clearly seeable, for illustration, here: We got to make something. Ralph said nil. Here was a coral island. Protected from the Sun, disregarding Piggy s doomed talk, he dreamed cheerily. ( Page 10 ) Ralph s initial hedonic attitude runs parallel to Jacks, but subsequently he evolves, and matures, and seems to gain the truth behind Piggy s words. Merely as Ralph has Piggy s scientific, methodical attitude behind him, Jack has Roger s sadistic, barbarous attitude behind him. Jack seems to me to stand for a fascist leader interested in maintaining power to himself. I see Ralph as a socialist, blissfully incognizant that because of the unkind attitude that develops in worlds frequently inherited from coevals to coevals sees a socialist society as the reply to this unstable society Golding has created. In decision, I enjoy Golding s analogues to a political province that exist in the group marooned on the island, and the easiness with which anyone can sympathize with his characters. During the 1950s and 1960s, a figure of readings of the book attempted to link it with inordinately expansive historical, spiritual, and psychological strategies, claiming that the book dramatised the history of civilization or the history of faith, or the battle between the Freudian constituents of unconscious individuality # 8211 ; Idaho, self-importance, and superego. Personally, I can deduce mentions to the latter analysis, although I can non wholly agree, because the complexness of a mental analysis needed to dramatize these provinces merely exists in Jack and Ralph.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Thomas Jefferson Is Remembered In History Not Only For The Essays
Thomas Jefferson is remembered in history not only for the offices he held, but also for his belief in the natural rights of man as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and his faith in the peoples ability to govern themselves. He left an impact on his times equaled by few others in American history. Born on April 13, 1743, Jefferson was the third child in the family and grew up with six sisters and one brother. Though he opposed slavery, his family had owned slaves. From his father and his environment he developed an interest in botany, geology, cartography, and North American exploration, and from his childhood teacher developed a love for Greek and Latin. In 1760, at the age of 16, Jefferson entered the College of William and Mary and studied under William Small and George Wythe. Through Small, he got his first views of the expansion of science and of the system of things in which we are placed. Through Small and Wythe, Jefferson became acquainted with Governor Francis Fauquier. After finishing college in 1762, Jefferson studied law with Wythe and noticed growing tension between America and Great Britain. Jefferson was admitted to the bar in 1767. He successfully practiced law until public service occupied most of his time. At his home in Shadwell, he designed and supervised the building of his home, Monticello, on a nearby hill. He was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1769. Jefferson met Martha Wayles Skelton, a wealthy widow of 23, in 1770 and married her in 1772. They settled in Monticello and had one son and five daughters. Only two of his children, Martha and Mary, survived until maturity. Mrs. Martha Jefferson died in 1782, leaving Thomas to take care of his two remaining children. Though not very articulate, Jefferson proved to be an able writer of laws and resolutions he was very concise and straight to the point. Jefferson soon became a member in a group which opposed and took action in the disputes between Britain and the colonies. Together with other patriots, the group met in the Apollo Room of Williamsburgs famous Raleigh Tavern in 1769 and formed a nonimportation agreement against Britain, vowing not to pay import duties imposed by the Townshend Acts. After a period of calmness, problems faced the colonists again, forcing Jefferson to organize another nonimportation agreement and calling the colonies together to protest. He was chosen to represent Albermarle County at the First Virginia Convention, where delegates were elected to the First Continental Congress. He became ill and was unable to attend the meeting, but forwarded a message arguing that the British Parliament had no control over the colonies. He also mentioned the Saxons who had settled in England hundred of years before from Germany and how Parliament had no more right to govern the colonies than the Germans had to govern the English. Most Virginians saw this as too extreme, though. His views were printed in a pamphlet called A Summary of the Rights of British America (1774). Jefferson attended the Second Virginia Convention in 1775 and was chosen as one of the delegates to the Second Continental Congress, but before he left for Philadelphia, he was asked by the Virginia Assembly to reply to Lord Norths message of peace, proposing that Parliament would not try to tax the settlers if they would tax themselves. Jeffersons "Reply to Lord North" was more moderate that the Summary View. Instead of agreeing with Lord North, Jefferson insisted that a government had been set up for the Americans and not for the British. The Declaration of Independence was primarily written by Jefferson in June 1776. Congress felt that the Declaration was too strong and gave Dickinson the responsibility of redrafting the document, but the new version included much of Jeffersons original text and ideas. In 1779, Jefferson became governor of Virginia, guiding Virginians through the final years of the Revolutionary War. As a member of the Second Continental Congress, he drafted a plan for decimal coinage and composed an ordinance for the Northwest Territory that formed the foundation for the Ordinance of 1787. In 1785, he became minister to France. Appointed secretary of state in President Washingtons Cabinet in 1790, Jefferson defended local interests against Alexander Hamiltons policies and led a group called the Republicans. He was elected vice-president in 1796 and protested the enactment of the Alien and Sedition Acts by writing The Kentucky Resolutions. In 1800, the Republicans nominated Jefferson for president and Aaron Burr (A Buh. hahaha) for vice-president. Federalists had nominated John Adams for president and Charles Pinckney for vice-president. Federalists claimed that
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