Tuesday, January 28, 2020
What is Hajj Essay Example for Free
What is Hajj Essay Hajj is one of the five Islamic pillars. It is where all capable Muslims must go on a pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime to Makkah in the last month of the Islamic year. These months are Muharram, Safar, Rabi al-Awal, Rabi al-Thani, Jumad al- Ula, Jumad al-Thani, Rajab, Shabaan, Ramadaan (Month for Daily Obligatory Fasts), Shawwaal, Dhul- Qidah and Dhul- Hijjah (the month for Hajj). And Hajj (pilgrimmage to Makkah) to the House (Ka`abah) is a duty that mankind owes to Allah, those who can afford the expenes (for ones conveyance, provision, and residence) Al-Quran:Surah 3 (Al-Imran); Verse 97 Hajj is the name given to the journey made by Muslims to the Kabba at Makka in Arabia. It is a very large, spiritual gathering and they arrive in very large numbers, sometimes up to 340 a minute. Women wear a burka (a long cloth covering from the head to the feet) men wear a sort of tunic for hajj. When they arrive at Makka the first thing they do is bathe and put white sheets on to enter purity (Ihram). They then go to a sacred mosque to start prayers; they repeat the Talbiya over and over again (translated into English): Here I am O Allah, Here I am Here I am. There is no partner with you. Here I am. Verily, Thine is the praise, the blessings and the sovereignty of the Universe Thou has no partner They then run between two hills to represent what happened when Hajar did this to find water for her son Ishmal. They come to the spring (Zam Zam), which Allah found and people desperately try to drink and bathe in the water which comes from it. This is a Muslims search for spiritually. After this they walk 7 times around the Ka`aba (black stone), this symbolizes when 630 people rode into Makka and destroyed all Idols and Allah forgave the citizens. The first night of the Hajj is spent at Mina. The second day is spent at Arafat; this is where the prophet Muhammad gave his farewell speech, it is desert location approximately 9 miles from Makka. Muslims say this prayer upon entering Arafat so that Allah forgives their sins: O Allah! Forgive my sins, help me repent to you, and grant me all that I beseech of You. Whenever I turn, let me see goodness. Allah be praised! All Praise is due to Allah! There is no deity except Allah! And Allah is The Most Great. The Muslims collect small stones for the following day. Day three is spent at Mina; this is where the Muslims stone the devils (Jamrahs). 7 stones are thrown at each of the 3 pillars; they do this because the devils tempted Ibraham to disobey Allah three times, it shows that they are against anything devilish. Weak and sick people can appoint others to throw stones at the Jamrahs in Mina on behalf of them. Tawaf al-Wada is the farewell Tawaf that a pilgrim performs just before leaving Makka for other destinations. It is the same as before when they go around the black stone in 7 circuits, starting from the black stone line. After completing the Tawaf, it is good but not required to pray too Rakahs behind Maqam Ibrahim. This day is the sacrifice day where they sacrifice an animal (Eid-ul Adha); they are supposed to sacrifice goats, sheep, rams, camels or cows. This act is performed to commemorate Prophet Abrahams act of sacrificing his oldest son Prophet Ismaeel on the command of Allah. Allah substituted Prophet Ismaeel with a ram. Muslims are required to donate 1/3 rd of the meat to the poor, distribute 1/3 rd of the meat to friends and relatives, and keep 1/3 rd of the meat for themselves. Men shave their heads and women cut off locks of hair. After this they return to Makka again to do 7 more circuits of the Ka`aba. Muslims take part in the Hajj because they believe that it is their duty to go, so that Allah will respect them and they will live in paradise when they die. Even if they cannot go for any reason they believe that having the right attitude about going will be acceptable to Allah. It provides an opportunity for Muslims with diverse racial, ethnic and geographical heritage to exchange views, get acquainted and feel unified as one Ummah (community) on a global level. They also go because they enjoy the spiritual gathering, they are happy and they like being around other Muslims who share the same beliefs as they do. Not all Muslims go to Hajj however, as there are certain difficulties effecting whether or not they can go. Some people cannot afford to go but would do if they have the money, if they still have the intention to go (Niyyah) this would still be acceptable to Allah. They can send one person to represent a whole community, which is also accepted. As Hajj is so popular (over 2 million people go each year) they have to limit the numbers of people who go, this means that not everyone who wants to go can, so this is again another difficulty Muslims have. People also have difficulties attending Hajj because they have disabilities or they are unable to walk etc. For example and old person who is frail may not be able to cope with the heat and walking/travelling far. People who are ill and have ill health may also not be able to attend Hajj, as they may be bed-ridden etc. If people cannot attend Hajj for various reasons but have intention (Niyyah) to go, it is still acceptable to Allah. Participating in Hajj affects the life of a believer because they come alive spiritually. It is important for them to go and they feel love from Allah while they are there. They enjoy going, to be around other Muslims. When they return they feel closest to God as they stood on the site where the Prophet delivered his sermon during his first and last pilgrimage. They go back full of joy as they have for filled Allahs wish. They also return with a better understanding of Allah and a born a spirit of caring for others and an understanding of their own heritage that will last throughout their lives. A true pilgrimage is really a journey within. It is important to physically go to Makka but if it is not possible to go I believe that you can still participate spiritually. I believe that if it is in your heart to go this should be accepted as you can still enjoy Hajj without going. You can use technology to participate in Hajj, for example you could pray while watching the festival on television or look at a video of the gathering on the Internet. You could also have your own party at home with other Muslims who do not go to Makka and celebrate Hajj and the end of Hajj (Eid ulad ha) together. Just because you do not go to Makka does not mean you do not follow Allah, you can still participate in Hajj without physically being there. So people who cannot go for various reasons such as old age etc can still enjoy the celebrations and not be cast out of them for being different. If I were a Muslim I may have a different view on this subject because they believe that if it is physically possible to go, you should go no mater what, as Allah would want you to. They feel that it is a religious duty to go, as it is one of the five pillars. A Muslim would go because they want to please their God, Allah.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Breast Implants Essay -- Srgumentative Persuasive
Breast Implants      Why do women get breast implants? Do the breast implants make them feel good about themselves? Breast implants are a serious threat because, there are many risks involved, there are many disorders that are possible, and there are illnesses that you could catch after the operation. According to Marian Segal, many of the women who have had breast implants don’t exactly understand what is in their body.      Silicone contains organic compounds, which have the physical properties of oils,resins or rubber, and which are more stable when exposed to heat and oxygen thanordinary organic substances. This is the same stuff that goes into your body making you think that you look good ( MS Bookshelf).      There are many procedures that need to be followed in order to get an application for silicone inflatable breasts (MS Encarta). There are various test, experimentation, and evaluations that need to be done ("Student Handbook"). The most important ones are the; Chemical Characterization, Pharmacokinetic Studies. These are all tests that the Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery Devices Branch Division of General Restorative Devices and the Office Of Device Evaluation all require (ODE documents 6).      The Chemical Characterization, is an important test. It does all of the following. If fabrication of the device involves curing of polymeric components by chemical crosslinking, then data establishing should be provided. This may be done by a various met...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Language and structure Essay
Language and structure are used in Kew Gardens to create certain effects though language and structure. One of the main meanings presented in Kew Gardens is how man kind is part of a larger picture. Furthermore, Virignia Wolf depicts a bigger picture through the use of extended metaphors. For example, the use of a snail and comparing this to the path of human life, and how it is scattered with obstacles. Imagery is used to create many effects as stated above in the first paragraph. One type of language used by Virginia Wolf is extended metaphors. For example, Wolf writes â€Å"The snail, whose shell had been stained red, blue and yellow. †In the following quote the shell is described with many adjectives to describe the beauty of life. For example, she writes â€Å"blue and yellow. †The use of the following evidence once again emphasises the use of imagery to create the effect that life is eternal and beauty. However, the use of imagery is some what of a contradiction from a normal snail emphasising to the audience that although man envisions a perfect picture of everything it may not seem the case. There is also a greater use of personification in the language to create meaning. For example, â€Å"tongue shaped leaves†and â€Å"yellow gloom of the throat†The following quote just like the snails idealises things. By idealising flowers just like the snail it juxtaposes with the description given of people within the text. Emphasising to the audience that humanity is part of a bigger cycle. Presenting to the audience how human life is intertwined with the flowers in the garden that is essential for our survival. Wolf’s tone and style can be considered very descriptive with little action. The use intense description makes nature sound tranquil and pleasant whilst the deliberate lack of description on human does the opposite creating meaning that man is not as great as it assumes. For example, Wolf gives the descriptions of the of an old, poor women as ‘Sugar, flowers, kippers greens. ‘ Emphasising my point above that through description Wolf makes humans sound dull and self centred. Furthermore, another point which can be emphasised is that Wolf uses language in order to make humans be portrayed as judgemental people. However, through the use of descriptive language on the parks it shows that nature can be appreciated by all. â€Å"The ponderous woman looked through the pattern of falling words at the flowers. †This quote creates a meaning to the audience that although Victorian society is divided by class. Our lives as humans are short and in insignificant and that like nature and the park we are forgotten and we become that cycle of intense beauty. This point can be suggested to have been created by Virginia Wolf because in Victorian society they followed the Bible which states ‘ashes to ashes dust to dust. ‘ Which can be interpreted just like Kew Gardens that we enter with and we end with nothing. However, we ourselves are part of humans nature. Lastly, through dialogue action Virginia creates the effect that going against nature results in disastrous consequences. For example, as the old man states in his dialogue â€Å"heaven was unknown to the ancients as Thessaly, William and now, with this war, the spirit matter is rolling between the hills like thunder†, and â€Å"women! Widows! Women in black! This quote by the old man demonstrates that although man wishes to feel invincible the message of peace and cooperation has to happen just like nature with man in harmony. Therefore, Virginia Wolf through tone and style and dialogue shows how nature and man live side by side. Furthermore, that although man wishes to be invincible and conquer everything through the old man we as humans acknowledge just like nature that we have to live in harmony to accept our existence.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
A Concussion Is A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - 1768 Words
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. A concussion occurs when you receive an impact to the head. The importance of concussions varies and affect all types of athletes, from professionals to little leagues players. Sport concussions has become a major problem and it could be long-term effects of this injury if not properly treated. However, a concussion is usually short-lived. Several people recover from concussions within seven to ten days while others may take even longer than that (Zalser, 2015). Sadly, once an athlete has experienced a concussion, it is possible that he or she is at greater risk for varies concussions. In addition, because of the wide range of symptoms concussions cause, it is important that coaches, athletes, and parents are aware of them. Symptoms of sport concussions are not always obvious. Some may appear right away and others can be hindered for numerous of days after the injury occurred. The most common symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, confusion , balance, dizziness, and memory loss. When a player receives a blow to the head and is slow to get up, the athletic trainer or whoever is over them checks them out. There are a number of tests that can be ran on the athlete to make sure that they are thinking and seeing clearly. Just recently people have started paying more attention to concussions because new studies have come to light describing how bad they can affect you in the long run, for example; years after a football player career isShow MoreRelatedConcussions Or Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries958 Words  | 4 PagesConcussions or mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI) are the most common forms of traumatic brain injury. There are between 1.6 and 3.8 million concussions a year that occur due to sports and recreation accidents alone (CDC). Mild concussions and MTBIs were once thought to be insignificant in terms of consequences. 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